kids running in hallway Jody Carrington

Kids These Days

(Trauma Integrated Education for Scools)

About the course

The kids are the least of our worries. Seriously. If that sounds blasphemous in a course for concerned parents and educators (and anyone, really, who worries about connecting with “kids these days”), then I am so glad you’re here. If you know a kid, work with a kid, or love a kid, you will find something inspiring and practical in this course. Dare I say game-changing. This course was born from the hundreds of stories of kids, their families, and their support systems I was lucky to meet as I worked across Canada and the USA. Regardless of who I met or where I met them, the message was always the same: our kids are okay ONLY if those of us holding them are okay. During the developmental years, schools—and educators—are the most significant connection point to most every child on this continent. But are the educators okay? I believe that most of the great educators want to make a difference. Many tell me, however, that they are finding it more and more difficult “these days” to love what they do. I think it’s time we did a better job of looking after them. First. Plain and simple. This course is for the parents and educators: our teachers, bus drivers, administrators, educational assistants, librarians, administrative assistants, and custodians. And anyone who leads, loves, and supports them. If that’s you, I am so grateful you are here.

What you get:
10 knowledge and inspirational modules
PDF and Video formats
Step-by-step guides through each focus area
Access to the course at anytime and the Facebook community
Length of course:
Work at your own pace

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